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The patented Spectrasol EMBEDDED LED light fixtures illuminate your interior with artificial light with properties close to natural sunlight. Thanks to a balanced spectral composition (SPD) that positively influences the body's circadian rhythms through the non-image-forming (NIF) system of the eyes, you will get biologically optimised full-spectrum lighting that supports overall health, physical and mental vitality and cognitive functions (cognitive performance and endurance, concentration, attention, quick thinking, ability to comprehend information, remember them and recall them from memory) indoors during the day.
Moreover, Spectrasol light fixtures do not emit concentrated energy in the short-wavelength blue part of the light spectrum, the so-called harmful blue light, which increases the risk of macular degeneration. On the contrary, Spectrasol actually regenerates the eyes by emitting energy in the red, photobiomodulating area of the light spectrum, which acts as a compensating factor for harmful blue light with both preventive and therapeutic effect.
Spectrasol lights shine instantly at full power, are resistant to frequent switching, have a long lifetime and suppress the flicker effect. They are also designed to easily replace existing light sources with conventional wiring. There are also biodynamic versions of the light fixtures, equipped with warm white LEDs for evening use in addition to the procognitive LEDs.