STELIUM comes from a long tradition of ECLATEC luminaires devoted to road lighting. Polyvalent, equipped with a wide choice of variants and options, STELIUM has all the advantages that allow it to stand amongst the recognised stars of road lighting and town approaches. Functional in its essence, STELIUM is also distinguished by its balanced lines and measured volumes and consequently fi ts well into urban perspectives without clashing, respecting, by its general shape, the usual landmarks of the inhabitants.

The ZELDA luminaire is part of the LED technology adventure; it even constitutes a successful outcome in terms of simplicity, efficiency and performance. Its integrated ball (Easylink ®) ensures rapid and elegant adaptation to top or lateral mounting. The upper cover, removable and interchangeable, accepts all LED sources and control equipment. ZELDA is available in three sizes and two finishes (S, essential and X, excellence). The S level meets the demand for a maintenancefree fixture whereas the X version allows easy maintenance without tools. ZELDA, when art walks hand-in-hand with technological progress.

The LINK pedestrian luminaire creates an elegant link between function and form. By night, it does its job very effectively, giving pedestrians an indispensable sense of safety. In that function, it also allows a very wide range of possibilities by adding a personalised touch to the urban atmosphere. By day, its clean design tones easily with diverse cityscapes. The LINK lives up to its name by creating a resolutely contemporary link between night and day. This luminaire is available in many versions: with clear or structured deep bowls and clear or opaline shallow bowls.

STANZA was born of a desire to rejuvenate, but without betraying, the silhouette of the 4-sided luminaires of yesteryear. The happy union of the materials gives this luminaire a magic touch that will reveal the charms and secrets of the old cities. And in more modern settings, STANZA hints at the mystery of a city that is familiar and welcoming yet also forward-looking. STANZA is available in both top-mounted and suspended confi gurations, and there are several variants. In its LED version, it comes with a SOMLED 1 module or BLS type LED strips.

ITEM is a family of street and urban luminaires, which is available in many different variations and also in 2 sizes.
Long time lifetime, robustness, availability for post top, lateral, suspended and also in version of 1-arm, 2-arms, 4-arms, no-arms, big bowl, flat glass, different design plates are not the only advantages.