
Patented procognitive and regenerative LED lighting that emulates natural sunlight
Spectrasol is a supplier of biologically optimised procognitive patent-protected lighting systems, whose authors and advocates are leading Czech experts, scientists and recognised authorities in lighting and lighting technologies. In fact, light fundamentally affects our feelings, performance and health. If today, people are intensely engaged in what the society breathes, drinks and eats, concentration on the influence and potential of light comes into play as another key opportunity that can influence and control our body, mind and mood.
People are spending more and more time indoors under insufficient artificial lighting. This shift in light exposure is rather unfortunate because the human body is evolutionarily adapted to full-spectrum sunlight which has an essential impact on health, performance and the general mental state.
Our revolutionary procognitive lighting technology, which is based on human biorhythms, ensures that the properties of artificial lighting match the properties of natural light from the Sun.
During the day, our procognitive LED sources emit a high proportion of cyan and neighbouring blue and green wavelengths. These wavelengths are faithfully represented just like in the Sun’s daylight. They entrain the human circadian rhythm and stimulate the body to full alertness and activity as well as support cognitive performance and overall vitality of the human body. At the same time, they promote the secretion of the hormone serotonin during the day, which in turn promotes melatonin secretion at night and supports the resulting regenerative and immune processes of the body during sleep.
Spectrasol ligthing thus improves the life, health and performance of people, creates a more stimulating, performance-efficient and attractive environment to organisations as well as better work or study results and prosperity.
The unique benefits of Spectrasol lighting
- Pleasant and uniquely comfortable white light approaching the biological effectiveness of the sun (its circadian efficiency was evaluated in an experiment at Prague secondary schools according to the CIE at 97% efficiency of the sun)
- Naturally stimulates the body and works to improve overall physical and mental health, vitality and immunity.
- Does not damage the eye through the so-called Harmful Blue Light (hereafter referred to as HBL)
- Regenerates the retina of the eye in real time and repairs damage caused by light source emission in the HBL area (Reparation Efficiency)
- Increases yield/man-hour (Procognitive Effectiveness) – supports cognitive performance, alertness, concentration and emotional attunement (as evidenced by our own research studies, i.e. 10-20% improvement in cognitive tests results at Prague grammar schools as well as a 100%+ increase in the rhythmic amplitude of melatonin secretion levels among the residents of the Home for the Elderly in Beroun, Czech Republic).
- The product represents the top trends seen in lifestyle and lighting industries:
- the trend of a healthy lifestyle and care for physical and mental health
- the growing trend of protection against HBL
- the business trend in lighting towards biologically optimised lighting (HCL- Human centric lighting)