It is completely impossible to provide high-quality lighting of sports grounds without a light-technical calculation. Sport grounds illuminate is one of the most difficult lighting disciplines. Water absorbs light, but also reflects it. Swimming pools are places where is high humidity, concentration of chlorine and other substances in the air and at the ceiling where are the lights and high temperatures. There is an increased risk of dazzledue to the high reflections of wet surfaces and the water level and at the same time. It is necessary to "evacuate" people out of the pool immediately in the case of discharge lamps. There are many specific situations. Contact us and we will help you find the most suitable solution for you.

Sports lighting is one of the most difficult lighting disciplines. It is always necessary to calculate everything well, to simulate it in a computer program and then to illuminate the spaces whether shining for football, hockey, badminton, swimming, tennis or other sports. We give great attention to all issues associated with trouble-free and quality lighting. Resistance to balls, pucks or other hits? Humidity? Temperature? Lighting uniformity? Adjustable lighting intensity for individual spaces or even additional lighting effects? Talk to us and you will not be one of those, who have experiences with unprofessional tests of some non-professional companies or even individuals.

Golf, baseball, softball and other sports are typical by the fact that there balls fly very high but in the outdoor environment. These relatively modern sports are difficult to promote and provide a good ratings without artificial lighting especially in spring and autumn. Because of early sunset, when people are at school, at work, there is not possible to ensure presence enough of spectators or high game quality without high quality luminares. Contact us and we will provide you solution on a turnkey at a professional level, at a reasonable price.

In football, American football or rugby and other sports, tracked objects (balls) often fly very high and are in outdoors environment. These sports are difficult to promote and provide a good ratings audience without artificial lighting especially in spring and autumn. Because of early sunset, when people are at school, at work, there is not possible to ensure presence enough of spectators or high game quality without high quality luminares. 30, 35, 40 and more meter high towers, quality lighting for sports and camera systems, maximum durability and low power consumption. These are the obvious things that make it easy for you to know that you are talking to someone who has experience and knows how to simulate, count and illuminate such sports facilities.

The ice hockey stadiums have been best lit by high-reflective parabolic reflectors around fluorescent lamps, until recently. Individual scenes are much easier to create with the advent of LED technology today, dimming is not so inefficient, lifetime is much longer. However, you should be aware of the fact that the fluorescent lamps shine with a large area and the LEDs often mainly from individual points. This results in higher efficiency, but also higher glare and lower uniformity. It is therefore necessary to calculate everything well and to design and not neglect anything. Set and calibrate the right intensity for each scene and easily add attractive and spectacular effects with both luminaires and any Gobs projectors and more. Contact us and you will not regret it.