Villages and cities
We are a professional supplier of turnkey street lighting systems. For us are important personal approach, quality of luminaires and their careful selection, the effectiveness of the solution, flawless assembly and warranty service.
We offer several options when processing light-technical calculations depending on the level of savings, requirements for light quality, standards and other criteria.
So far, we have not met with light discipline in which we could not help cities and villages.

Pedestrian crossings are one of the biggest security risks. Heavy vehicles (often 1.5 or more tons) roll down the village must see the pedestrians who are crossing the passage at a given moment in time. Good night visibility is essential. But it needs to be addressed in full with TKP 15 and other important documents. This is the only way to ensure security. Not a little, but not too much light is not good due to for glare.

Own lighting solution are required for lighting of urban, municipal or other offices, monuments, sports halls and other municipal buildings. Every place has to be solved separately. The lighting is mainly governed by the standards ČSN EN 12464 - 1 and ČSN EN 12464-2 and must also be addressed with regard to the investment possibilities of the municipality, the requirements of the municipality, the natural environment and others. Earlier than we start up projecting or even realize whole lighting, in our company - at first, we always find out for technical possibilities and possible complications. We submit first proposa after that. We can solve the lighting on a turnkey, to be a light partner of a local favorite company or an electrician or even to supply the most suitable luminaires.

Illumination of monuments and the lighting "for effect" is a very controversial theme. On the one hand, we would be pleased if the monument or some interesting thing was illuminated intensely or even in different colors, on the other hand, there are many science disciplines, as well as nature conservationists and the natural night darkness who would prefer to see everything at night in the dark as it was before the advent of technical civilization. We always try to illuminate everything efficiently and interestingly, but in doing so, to avoid unnecessary lighting for people in windows, into nature and into the upper half-space.

Sport grounds lighting is one of the most challenging lighting disciplines. It is always necessary to calculate everything well, simulate it in the computer program and then illuminate the spaces whether shining on football, baseball, hockey, golf or badminton. We give great attention to all issues associated with trouble-free and quality lighting. Lighting uniformity? Adjustable lighting intensity for individual spaces or even additional lighting effects? It is also important to ensure that any traffic on the roads is not dazzled and does not shine unnecessarily into the upper half-space. Talk to us and you will not be one of those who have experienced unprofessional tests of some non-professional companies or even individuals.

Sports lighting is one of the most challenging lighting disciplines. It is always necessary to calculate everything well, to simulate it in a computer program and then to illuminate the spaces whether shining for football, hockey, badminton, swimming, tennis or other sports. We give great attention to all issues associated with trouble-free and quality lighting. Resistance to balls, pucks or other blows? Humidity? Temperature? Lighting uniformity? Adjustable lighting intensity for individual spaces or even additional lighting effects? Talk to us and you will not be one of those who have experienced unprofessional tests of some non-professional companies or even individuals.